In the course of the 3-year project duration, there were a total of 6 transnational project meetings (TPM#1-TPM#6), as well as a PULS-MOVETIA cooperation meeting sponsored by the Swiss National Agency. In all meetings an intensive exchange took place, in which the 11 partners intensively discussed project progress and previously defined priority topics.
The 5th TPM took place on 12 November 2019 in the city hall in Düsseldorf. The morning was devoted to the main topic “Educational Landscapes: Combining Forces – Developing Forces”. The afternoon was devoted to the progress of the IOs.
The PULS-Movetia cooperation meeting was held in Basel on 29 February 2020. For discussion: Interconnections and synergies of the PULS+/PULS/KURS, reflection of the multiplier and planning of future projects.